A More Comprehensive Kind of Healing

Meet a reconnective Healing Practitioner

A More Comprehensive Kind of Healing

Meet a Foundational Reconnective Healing Practitioner


Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body - Your Choice in Holistic Spiritual Healing

Experience healing beyond anything you've read about, thought about, and dreamed about!

This unique overview of spiritual awakening will allow you to get to know the profound concept of the healing energy frequencies described by Eric Pearl. The Reconnection is a spiritual awakening that impacts our senses: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

Heal Your Mind, Heal Your Body - Your Choice in Holistic Spiritual Healing

Experience healing beyond anything you've read about, thought about, and dreamed about!

This unique overview of spiritual awakening will allow you to get to know the profound concept of the healing energy frequencies described by Eric Pearl. The Reconnection is a spiritual awakening that impacts our senses: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

How Did I Become a Practitioner and What Is My Background?

For many years, I have been drawn to self-healing and helping others become aware of the capacity of the human body’s ability to heal itself. My introduction to The Reconnection in 2010 was through Eric Pearl’s book, “The Reconnection”.

How Did I Become a Practitioner and What Is My Background?

For many years, I have been drawn to self-healing and helping others become aware of the capacity of the human body’s ability to heal itself. My introduction to The Reconnection in 2010 was through Eric Pearl’s book, “The Reconnection”.


What Is Reconnective Healing?

Reconnective Healing is different from other healing methods or techniques precisely because it’s not a method, technique, or treatment. What the practitioner does is find and activate the frequency that allows the flow of energy, light, and information between the universe, practitioner, and you.